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These are two rough images from each themed idea, the first one, makes you think about what we would think out about if the 9/11 attacks didn’t happen, the second is the idea of human evolution and using that idea but in technology, this one is about phones.

i thought of this idea i tohught it made me think of what world would be like if it never happenedI thought it made me think of what world would be like if it never happened


human evolution process, but with technology.

human evolution process, but with technology.

Top :  I thought of this idea of thinking as if it never happened, what I did for this is simply take a screen shot are a youtube site, and put it into photoshop and deleted all irrelevant information, so I’m left with the basic youtube layout, and then i added the image of plane about to go into the twin towers, i did this buy using the lasso tool, i then used a brush of a plane and positions them how i wanted, i then put a gaussian blur on the image. and put the words paused in a box. this gave it the effect the footage goes out of focus when paused as the letters pulls into focus.

I thought the text ‘What if it never happened’ went well. it certainly made me think about it, i mean if it didn’t I certainly wouldn’t be writing this now, or having lectures on the subject, but we will never know what would of happened because it did, and we have to accept it.

Bottom : I thought of the idea of human evolution and how we keep gaining skills and adapting, i thought it would be good to show this but with technology, like advancements from the first phone all the way to the latest phone with has a 5-8 megapixel camera, tons of storage for picture, movies and music, and of course phone too, with video calling too plus a touch screen. a far cry from the first mobile. This can be done for radios and televisions etc.

I done this by getting pictures of the technology i wanted and cut each of them out, thresholding them, and making a shadow for them by, duplicating the image, putting it behind and making it black and used the transform tool and made it so it looked like it was on the floor, used a blur on it and turned the opacity down. I then used drip brushes to making it look like the paint was dripping to form the phones, i got the text off, its the old english style, i think it goes well with the image, i like it very much, i ma going to make another for other pieces of technology. e.g. Television, computers etc.

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